In Arbitration and ADR, Eventi consigliati

L’Università di Roma Tre, in collaborazione con AIA, ICC e CAM, organizza dal 16 al 20 settembre 2019 la sesta edizione del

Certificate in International Commercial and Investment Arbitration

Il corso sarà tenuto da docenti universitari, in-house counsel e professionisti e offrirà una prospettiva teorico-pratica dell’arbitrato commerciale internazionale e dell’arbitrato degli investimenti.
Il corso prevede altresì una serie di interessanti networking activities, nonché la partecipazione alla Sixth Annual International Arbitration Lecture, organizzata dall’Università di Roma Tre in collaborazione con l’UNIDROIT.
In allegato la Brochure 2019, oltre che la locandina della Sixth Annual International Arbitration Lecture.

Per maggiori informazioni:

The University of Roma Tre, together with AIA, ICC and CAM is pleased to announce the sixth edition of the

Certificate in International Commercial and Investment Arbitration

The Certificate will be held at Roma Tre University from September 16 until September 20, 2019.
The program is led by leading academics, in-house counsel and practitioners and is aimed at providing theoretical and practical insights, including interactive workshops, about investment and commercial arbitration.
The program also includes participation to a series of interesting networking activities, and to the Sixth Annual International Arbitration Lecture, jointly organized by Roma Tre University and UNIDROIT.

Please find attached the 2019 Brochure, together with the flyer of the Sixth Annual International Arbitration Lecture.

For further information:


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