ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin – Issue 2 2023


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Pubblicazione disponibile nel Formato .Pdf. L’ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin include aggiornamenti su dottrina, decisioni dei casi (lodi arbitrali, ordinanze processuali), sviluppi a livello globale, attività di ICC, recensioni di libri, procedura e prassi dell’ICC Dispute Resolution Service. Il Comitato editoriale del Bulletin è composto da un gruppo di 20 esperti di arbitrato e risoluzione delle controversie provenienti da tutto il mondo. Il Bulletin viene pubblicato online ogni quadrimestre.

In questo numero:

Claudia Salomon
Message from the President

Julien Fouret and Yasmine Lahlou
Welcome from the Editors-in-Chief

Patricia Shaughnessy, Patrizia Netal
In Memoriam Professor Eric E. Bergsten

Carita Wallgren-Lindholm
In Memoriam Bengt Broms

Hon. Juge Babak Barin, Pierre Bienvenu, Ad. E., Stephen Drymer, Hon. Juge Marie-Claude Rigaud, Hon. Juge Renée Thériault
In Memoriam Honourable Marc Lalonde

Global Developments
Prof. Paul Idornigie, SAN, C.Arb, Funmi Roberts, C.Arb, Isaiah Bozimo, C.Arb
Nigeria: Arbitration and Mediation Act 2023: Transforming Dispute
Resolution and Enhancing International Competitiveness

Eric Lenier Ives
United States: Eleventh Circuit Joins Majority Approach of U.S. Circuits:
FAA Grounds Apply for Vacatur Instead of New York Convention’s Grounds
for Non-Enforcement

Ciccu Mukhopadhaya, Swapnil Gupta
India: Bar Council Formulates New Rules Allowing Foreign Lawyers to Practice
in India

Professor Louis Thibierge
France: Can ‘Monsieur Jourdain’ Act as Amiable Compositeur Unwittingly?

Michele Sabatini, Gregorio Baldoli
Italy: Recent Overhaul of the Arbitration Law

Fabrice Robert-Tissot
Switzerland: Requirements for Revision (Art. 190a (1) lit. a and b PILA) and
Interpretation of the Waiver of the Right to ‘Appeal’ (Art. 192 PILA)

Prof. Dr. Ziya Akıncı
Türkiye: Supreme Court Confirms In Favorem Validitatis Approach

Practice and Procedure
Ashleigh Brocchieri, Ulrich Kopetzki
Top 10 Services Provided by the ICC Court and Secretariat

Dr. Constance Castres Saint-Martin et Yassine Alaoui
Les vertus de la langue en arbitrage international

Case Decisions
Stephan Adell
ICC x Jus Mundi Partnership: An Effective Tool on the Study of the Latest
ICC Awards

ICC DRS Activities
Angela Herberholz
10th ICC Mediation Roundtable for Professionals

Dr Dania Fahs, Rana Kahwagi
11th ICC MENA Conference on International Arbitration:
Rethinking Dispute Resolution in an Ever-Changing World

Iuliana Iancu
7th ICC European Conference: Rethinking Dispute Resolution

Morgane Guyonnet, Masataka Sato
1st ICC Tokyo Arbitration Day

Karim Zein
ICC YAAF: From Administrative Secretary to Arbitrator

Book Reviews
Charis Tan, Marcus Liew
The Transformative Power of Technology in the Legal Field:
A Visionary Perspective

Leyou Tameru
Third Party Funding in International Arbitration: Prioritising Access to Justice

N. Kansu Okyay
Seeking Clarity in Murky Waters of Asymmetric Jurisdiction Clauses